1955 Cell 2455 Death Row
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Cell 2455 Death Row - 1955 b&w trailer - biography / drama - William Campbell, Kathryn Grant, Vince Edwards, based on the autobiography of Caryl Chessman - opens with quick scrathy shot of high angle pov over Alcatraz Prison - tight c/u of man behind bars of prison - police gunfire at night - explosion - police car wrecks and explodes at night - high class parlor of house of prostitution with customers and women as they mill about - hand passes gun to hand of another - two men hold guns on another man in office - night violence in lovers' lane - black coupe rideby at night - man behind wheel of car while another shoots gun over shoulder - alternated shots of accused and judge in court room - hall approach to cells in jail - swirling newspaper reads Sadist Sex Fiend Loose